Saturday 19 December 2015

(6.1.3) Use of 'Cause' as a causative verb.

Use of 'Cause' as a  causative verb

As a  Causative verb 'Cause' is used to inspire someone to do something.
I cause my brother to wash my clothes.
Subject + Cause (Causative verb) + doer +to +first form of the verb + object.
Examples :
1. He asked me to walk to the left side of the road.
=He caused me to walk to the left side of the road.
2. I am going to ask her to sit quietly.
=I am going to cause her to sit quietly.
3. The teacher is saying me to understand well.
=The teacher is causing me to understand well.
4. The old man has asked him to go for a walk daily.
= The old man has caused him to go far a walk daily.
5. She  will tempt Ram to teach her English.
= She will cause Ram to teach her English.
6. Yesterday I told the passer by to push my car.
= Yesterday I caused the passer by to push my car.
Some more examples -
1. We may cause him to shut the window.
2. Ramesh caused Hari to post the letter.
3. I shall cause my sister to iron my clothes.
4. The teacher has caused him to take exercise daily.
5. How will you cause him to do this work ?

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